CCOSO- conference day two (final day)

The first presentation of the day was given by staff from Coalinga State Hospital. The three presenters work together on a team with deviant sexual behavior clients. They spoke about behavioral treatment with this population. A lot of what they had to say was common knowledge and it seemed as though they had recently flipped their style to match that of Marshall and were therefore unable to answer several questions about why things are done a certain way. For instance, part of their process with one type of treatment (association) requires the client to write out 6 steps to a deviant behavior and several negative consequences. As the move through the process they read the steps stopping progressively earlier every several days. When asked to explain why… they failed. I can understand the principle but without having witnessed this process in action, I’m not sure that it would actually be beneficial.

They also spent a great deal of time with olfactory aversion- which they don’t currently do at the hospital. This one makes a great deal of sense to me and I would like to talk to my practicum supervisor about having it in my program. The thing I really took away from this portion was that there are issues that can be caused or exacerbated with the use of the olfactory devices, therefore it is important to have full medical knowledge before beginning a treatment.

They also discussed masturbatory reconditioning. One thing I was amused by was one presenter described the first time she’d used this process with a client and how nervous she was. What I was unclear on, however, is whether or not the client is actually masturbating during this process or just fantasizing. Also, does this process work only with men? I think pairing this process with the olfactory would be a very strong behavioral treatment process.

After the presentation was the luncheon which I somehow managed to have a ticket to. I didn’t pay for it so I’m not sure why I had it. But I wasn’t about to turn down food. Ended up sitting at a table with Charlene Steen, who has written a couple of treatment workbooks (and who was presenting the last presentation I was scheduled for). Exchanged cards with her and will email her next week… I think she’d be a wonderful source of information. The food itself was okay. Edible but nothing to write home about. And for whatever reason the board members would just walk up to the mic and begin speaking without doing anything to get the audiences attention. So they’d be halfway through speaking before anyone even noticed.

The last presentation I attended was on Cybersex. As part of my dissertation is on child pornography, I felt that this presentation would be very useful. I was right. Dr. Steen presented treatment, diagnoses, issues, positives/negatives… basically tons of information that I can use in my practicum and my dissertation. Plus, she let us go early- makes me like her even more. 😉

I grabbed a couple of handouts, flyers, etc for myself and a few others. Received the display copy of some journals from the boy running the “bookstore” and bought a couple of books I’d been looking at all week. I networked a bit. Met some lovely people. And had a nice little break… Basically the conference was well worth it and hopefully I’ll be able to attend next year too. But… I am glad to be home.

If any of my peers want information on any of the presentations I attended- leave me a comment. I took copious notes throughout the conference and would be happy to share.

~ by elizabeth ann on May 20, 2010.

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